Volunteering at the Cathedral

Welcome From the Dean

The Wellington Cathedral of St Paul is immensely grateful for the dedication, passion and tireless efforts of our volunteers. Their commitment is the cornerstone of our operations and governance, enabling us to fulfil our mission and ministry.

We are committed to recognizing and celebrating the achievements of our volunteers, not only as a gesture of our appreciation but also to inspire and encourage continued engagement and growth. To all our volunteers, please know that your contributions are valued and deeply appreciated. The Wellington Cathedral of St Paul pledges to support you, to listen to you, and to provide opportunities for recognition and celebration of your service. Together, we are not just maintaining the fabric of our Cathedral, we are weaving a tapestry of faith, hope and love that stretches far beyond our immediate reach.

Volunteer Groups

The work of the Cathedral staff is supported by many volunteers, who enjoy an opportunity to work together in activities for which they have the enthusiasm and skills needed. There are numerous groups, each of which has a coordinator.

The groups are these:

Members who volunteer find that this is a rewarding way to get to know other members of the congregation and to contribute to the life of the Cathedral. The Cathedral Office will put you in touch with the relevant group coordinator, who in turn will explain in detail the work of the group, the likely time involved in contributing to it, the facilities available in the Cathedral, and so on.

Please  bear in mind that some volunteer activities require you to be present at a particular time, and others need certain tasks done  by a certain deadline. It is important that you are normally able to meet these times, although of course there will be occasions when illness or other problems arise, in which case your coordinator will help find a solution.