Wellington Cathedral Choristers

The Cathedral Choristers number up to 24 boys and girls aged between 8 and 15 years. They rehearse twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays before singing Evensong, and lead the Sunday Choral Eucharist or Choral Evensong once a month. 

Choristers learn to work as part of a team and to take responsibility for their own performance. They are treated as young professionals and the Cathedral treble programme represents one of the finest musical educations available to young people in New Zealand. Choristers take part in a ribbon training scheme which provides both musical education and Christian training.

The Choristers are often called on to sing in professional engagements, and have appeared with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Wellington. 

The Director of Music, Michael Stewart, is looking for new choristers for 2025. Please contact Michael at dom@wellingtoncathedral.org.nz if you are interested in finding out more.

Do you know a child who loves to sing?

If you have a child who would be interested in auditioning to join our Choristers fill out the form below and our Director of Music will be in touch with you.