
The main role of the sides people is to be a friendly welcoming presence at the front of the Cathedral to all those attending the three main services at 8am 10am and 4pm services. They need to be there half an hour before wearing name badges, prepared with service sheets and the weekly newsletters.

In the evening, from the middle crossing, an evensong booklet together with a short service sheet and the weekly news sheet are handed out along with hymn books, psalters and bibles where needed.

At least two sides people are put on a monthly roster for each service. We reach out to rostered sides people to volunteer for larger services at Christmas, Easter and special events. At certain ceremonial occasions sides people may be required to usher people to allocated seats.

The lead sides person is responsible to welcome late comers with any material needed for following the service. They are also responsible towards the start of each service for doing a head count including tamariki, clergy and choir. This number is written on a slip of paper and is taken to the presiding clergy together with the elements by two invited members of the congregation. This is followed by the collection, which is then counted in the sacristy by the lead sides person and one other at the end of each service.

Sides people are also responsible for marshalling of people in the event of an emergency and are required to receive emergency evacuation training from the Dean’s Verger.

