Service times:
Sunday: 8am (Said Eucharist)
Sunday: 10am (Choral Eucharist)
Weekdays: 12.15pm (Said Eucharist)
“This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”
What is the Eucharist?
The Eucharist, also known as the Mass, Holy Communion or Lord’s Supper, is the family meal of the Church and we come together to joyfully celebrate God’s forgiving love for us, offered through Jesus Christ.
Every Sunday and each weekday, people young and old, from a rich diversity of backgrounds and races, come together to listen to God’s Word and follow Jesus’ command to share bread and wine “in remembrance of me” (Luke 22: 19).
The Eucharist is a sacrament – that is, an outward sign of God’s grace at work inwardly in us. By taking part in the Eucharist we declare openly that we belong to Jesus and that we want to live our lives for him and in union with him.
In the celebration of the Eucharist Christ gathers, teaches and nourishes the church. We are drawn into the mystery of worship and the wonder of God’s loving activity.
The service has several distinct parts:
The Ministry of the Word and Prayer, when we acknowledge God’s presence, confess our sins and receive God’s forgiveness, hear the Word of God in the Bible and respond to it, through a sermon and prayers.
The Ministry of the Sacrament, when we remember the sacrifice of Jesus and ponder the mystery as we encounter Jesus in the bread and wine, and through his body and blood receive him into our lives.
The Dismissal of the Community, when we commit ourselves to wholeheartedly serving Christ in our daily lives, receive God’s blessing and accept the command and authority to go in God's name as servants and ambassadors of Christ.
Do you offer Choral Eucharist services?
On Sundays at 10am, one of our choirs leads the musical part of the service, with a special musical setting for the day and an anthem or motet which reflects the theme of the service. We all sing four hymns together.
Most Sundays there is a special programme for children at the 10am Eucharist Service.
One of our clergy or a visitor preaches a sermon of around 15 minutes in response to the scripture readings, and prayers of intercession are offered.
You can expect the service to run for about one hour and 20 minutes. All are warmly invited to morning tea in the rear of the cathedral at the conclusion of the service.
Do you offer Said Eucharist services?
On Sundays at 8am we offer a said celebration of Holy Communion, with a short sermon, in the Lady Chapel. This service runs for about 45 minutes and is followed by Morning Tea in the Brian Davis Room.
Each weekday at 12.15pm, a short said service of Holy Communion is offered in the Lady Chapel. The service offers people who work in or are visiting the city centre, the opportunity to pause for some peaceful prayer and quiet reflection in the midst of a busy day, listening to scripture and receiving communion. This service runs for about 25 minutes. Every Thursday service is offered in Te Reo.
Every first Saturday or the month, we offer our Senior Saints Holy Communion at 10.30am, aimed especially at those older people who might be unable to worship here on a Sunday, or who need assistance to get to the Cathedral. The service includes a thought for the day from the presiding priest, three well-known hymns and runs for about 40 minutes. Our team of pastoral volunteers assist the worshipers and a delicious Morning Tea is served afterwards.
Can I receive communion?
Christians of any denomination who are baptised are welcome to receive communion, and all are welcome to receive a personal blessing if they do not wish to receive communion.
Special services
On Feasts and Holy days we often hold special services - keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for information.