Wellington Cathedral of St Paul
God’s great love fills and emanates out of the Wellington Cathedral of Saint Paul, a house of prayer and worship for the Nation.
Located in Thorndon, Wellington New Zealand, the Cathedral is both a local parish and the mother church of the Anglican Diocese of Wellington.
We are grounded in Scripture and the transforming Word of God in the person of Jesus Christ. Our love of God is expressed predominantly through Anglican liturgy and Choral worship. We are committed to maintaining our regular rhythm of prayer, growing together in community, being equipped as disciples and serving in mission.
May God meet with you here, inspire you by faith, fill you with hope and guide you in love.
Lent TALKS 2025
Our Scholar in Residence, The Reverend Dr Joe McGarry will lead our Lent Study evenings to explore how and why Spiritual Disciplines and Habits can help form us as disciples of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to attend whether you are already part of a Home Group or not.
Join us for Refreshments and fellowship from 7pm, then our study time 7:30-9pm:
Wednesdays 12, 19, 26th March
Wednesdays 2, 9, 16th April
Wednesday March 5, 2025
7:00 am - Eucharist with Ashing in the Lady Chapel
8:00 am - Ashes to go at the Wellington City Train Station
12:15 pm - Eucharist with Ashing in the Lady Chapel
6:00 pm - Ecumenical Ash Wednesday Service at the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart - Featuring the Choir of the Wellington Cathedral of St Paul
Palm Sunday
Sunday April 12, 2025 at 10:00am
Choral Eucharist at 10:am in the Nave with the procession starting in the Parliament forecourt
Maundy Thursday
Thursday April 17, 2025 at 7.00pm.
A Eucharist Service held in the Nave including foot washing by Cathedral Clergy
Good Friday Family Service
Friday April 18, 2025 at 10:00am
A family friendly walk through Jesus' sacrifice for us and the redemption he offers. Through hymns, prayers, and reflective activities we commemorate the crucifixion and prepare ourselves for the coming joy of Easter Sunday.
Service of Shadows
Friday April 18, 2025 at 1:30pm
A moving and powerful act of worship at the foot of the Cross, sung by the Cathedral Choir.
Easter Vigil
Saturday April 19, 2025 at 9:00pm
Our service begins with a series of readings and psalms, drawing on the ancient story of God’s gracious provision to Abraham and loving redemption through Moses in parting the waters of the Red Sea in the experience of the Exodus.
We then light the Paschal or Easter Candle. The Candle is marked with the symbols Alpha and Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, reminding us that Christ is the beginning and the end, and that all time is his.
Easter Sunday
Sunday April 20, 2025 at 10:00am
Alleluia, Alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise!
Sing to God a hymn of gladness, sing to God a hymn of praise!
Today, with millions of Christians around the world, we celebrate with joy the good news of Easter and the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, from the dead.
This Cathedral Church is a place of prayerful encounter and community for all the people of Aotearoa New Zealand.
We stand as a sign of faith that points to the reality of God’s presence in our world and lives.
Sunday Services
Weekday Services
8.00am Morning Prayer
12.15 Midday Eucharist in the Lady Chapel with Te Hakari Tapu on Thursdays
5.15 Evening Prayer Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri
5.30pm Thursday Choral Evensong Thursdays during school terms
Home Groups
Each fortnight, members of our community meet to study the bible, pray and enjoy fellowship with one another.
If you are interested in joining one of our Home Groups, contact Chaplain Colin with the form below.
Usual activities
We are committed to maintaining our regular rhythm of prayer, growing together in community, being equipped as disciples and serving in mission.
It is our duty to build a strong and courageous community of faith who are committed to fulfilling the great commission. Here are some of the resources we have for you if you are looking to start your journey.
Upcoming Events
Join a Team and Meet People
Live Streams
Click here to see all of our videos.
We take a break from online worship during school holidays.
Pastoral Care
Members of our clergy team are available to offer a listening ear or pastoral care.
Please feel free to contact a priest using the form here for them to get in contact with you.