Pattern (Rule) of Life
The Cathedral has its own Pattern (Rule) of Life material, available to anyone to assist in developing their own Pattern or Rule of Life:
Pattern of Life - Basic Guide
A simple description of what a Pattern of Life is, and the steps to take to develop one.
Pattern of Life - Resources
Longer material to expand on some of the topics in the Basic Guide.
Pattern of Life - Daily Prayer
Material based on published forms of service, for anyone who wants to adopt a more formal pattern around daily prayer and Bible reading in their home situation.
Pattern of Life - For Individuals
A step-by-step approach for individuals to use in developing their own Pattern of Life, based on the material in Basic Guide, Deeper Resources and Daily Prayer.
Pattern of Life - For Groups
The same material as in the Individual workbook, but formatted to be easily printable for a session-by session ‘course’ approach
There’s a huge amount of material already available, of course - ranging from simple aids to Prayer and Bible reading to the Rule of St Benedict, and some quite extensive online approaches. Our material does a quick survey of it all and is structured over 20 topics so you can go as far as want and then stop - indeed for may people, the first 3 topics may be quite enough:
Start where you are today
Aids to Bible reading and Prayer
Make a ‘contract with myself’
Thinking about Prayer
Bible reading - part 1
Include non-spiritual practices (Play and Recreation, Physical health & well-being, Emotional health & well-being, Community, Family & Extended Family)
Some practical ideas for prayer
Bible reading - part 2
Some more spiritual practices (Silence and Solitude, Study, Simplicity, Service and Mission, Sabbath (rest & refreshment)
Daily Prayer at Home (see Pattern of Life - Daily Prayer)
Review your ‘contract with myself’
Living, Loving and Serving
Shapes for Living
Celebration of Discipline
Practicing the Way
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
St Benedict and options for today
Going deeper into the Psalms
Going deeper into prayer
Going deeper into Bible reading