Growing Leaders

Leadership in the Church spans a number of different aspects and is different from simply ‘what the world calls leadership’: Christian leadership and character start with the idea of Jesus as a servant and us as his followers, which is the opposite of a view where ‘leadership’ means ‘power’. But many Christians also learn and exercise powerful leadership skills in their professional lives, and of course the Church and the Christian community needs leadership of the right sort to take us into the future. Growing Leaders is a Christian course from the Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPAS) which spans all these aspects.

There’s a huge amount of material for the course, and our Cathedral group struggled a bit to find the right way to use it. Happily after a couple of sessions we figured we’d do best if we mainly just spent time together and shared our experiences - and at that point things got a lot better, But along the way we also boiled the material down to a tidy set of documents:

Part 1: Firm Foundations

Session 1: Leadership Matters

Session 2: Establishing Identity

Session 3: Clarifying Call

Session 4: Developing Character

Part 2: Key Skills in Christian Leadership

Session 5: Discerning Direction (in a group)

Session 6: Developing Others

Session 7: Leading Together

Part 3: Keeping Faithful

Session 8: Embracing Cost

Session 9: Staying Fresh

Session 10: Continuing Well

Additional Sessions

Session 11: Spiritual Dynamics

Session 12: Strategic Planning

Session 13: Finding Rhythms

Session 14: Growing Well

Session 15: Shaping Culture


Pattern (Rule) of Life