Service Times

Every Sunday and each weekday, people young and old, from a rich diversity of backgrounds and races, come together to listen to God’s Word and follow Jesus’ command to share bread and wine “in remembrance of me”.

Sunday services

8am Said Eucharist
10am Choral Eucharist
4pm Choral Evensong
6pm Taizé (first Sunday of the month)

Weekday services

8am Morning prayer, Monday - Friday
12.15pm Said Eucharist (Lady Chapel)
5.15pm Evening Prayer

During Term Time:
Thursday Choral Evensong (replaces evening prayer)

Senior saints

The Senior Saint’s Eucharist Held in the Lady Chapel, usually on the first Saturday in the month at 10.30am, is attended by members of our congregation who otherwise find it difficult to attend our more regular services. Following the service, there is a morning tea in the Loaves and Fishes Hall.